Lunedì 27 febbraio al Teatro Celebrazioni di Bologna arriva il tour 2023 dell’iconica cover band dei Genesis, The Musical Box (qui date e biglietti). Ecco la scaletta suonata nello show.
Scaletta The Musical Box Bologna 2023
The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway
Fly on a Windshield
Broadway Melody of 1974
Cuckoo Cocoon
In the Cage
The Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging
Back in N.Y.C.
Hairless Heart
Counting Out Time
The Carpet Crawlers
The Chamber of 32 Doors
Lilywhite Lilith
The Battle of Epping Forest
The Waiting Room
Here Comes the Supernatural Anaesthetist
The Lamia
Silent Sorrow in Empty Boats
The Colony of Slippermen
The Light Dies Down on Broadway
Riding the Scree
In the Rapids
The Musical Box
Watcher of the Skies