Rock’n’Roll: il nuovo singolo di Avril Lavigne (testo e video ufficiale)

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Il ritorno di Avril Lavigne si è compiuto oggi con ‘uscita del nuovo singolo Rock’n’Roll il cui video ufficiale è appena comparso su Vevo.

Il pezzo è gradevole anche se ricorda una sacco di musica già sentita. IL video invece ha qualche trovata divertente: lo stile cartoon in primis, e qualche altra cosa piuttosto scontata, visto il periodo, come ad esempio il bacio saffico con un’altra ragazza condito da racconto sdolcinato fuori campo.

Il singolo anticipa l’imminente uscita dell’album Avril Lavigne (uella che fantasia!) prevista per il 24 settembre, ovvero tra un mese circa.

Ecco di seguito testo e video ufficiale.

Video Rock’n’Roll | Avril Lavigne

LEGGI ANCHE  Questa sera 90 Special con Nicola Savino: scaletta e ospiti

Testo Rock’n’Roll | Avril Lavigne

I don’t care about makeup
I like it better with my jeans all ripped up
Don’t know how to keep my mouth shut
You say so what

I don’t care I’m misfit
I like it better than the hipster of all shit
I am the motherfucking princess
You still love me

Some some how
It’s a little different when
I’m with you
You know what I really am
Some how
You know how it really goes
Some some way
We’ll be getting out of this
Time one day
You’re the only that I
Want with me
You know how the story goes

When it’s you and me
We don’t need no one to tell us who to be
We’ll keep turning up the radio
Well it’s you and I
Just put up a middle finger to the sky
Let them know we’re still rock ‘n roll
Hey hey hey

LEGGI ANCHE  Concerto Primo Maggio Roma 2015: Ghemon (video)

Don’t get a bad attitude dude
I’m never going to cover up that tattoo
I might have a couple issues
You say me too
Don’t care about a reputation
Must be living in the wrong generation
This is your invitation
Let’s get wasted

Some some how
It’s a little different when
I’m with you
You know what I really am
On the phone
You know how the story really goes

When it’s you and me
We don’t need no one to tell us who to be
We’ll keep turning up the radio
Well it’s you and I
Just put up a middle finger to the sky
Let them know we’re still rock ‘n roll

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When it’s you and me
We don’t need no one to tell us who to be
We’ll keep turning up the radio

Well it’s you and I
Just put up a middle finger to the sky
Let them know we’re still rock ‘n roll

When it’s you and me
We don’t need no one to tell us who to be
We’ll keep turning up the radio

Well it’s you and I
Just put up a middle finger to the sky
Let them know we’re still rock ‘n roll

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About Luca Landoni 21010 Articles
Giornalista pubblicista iscritto all'ODG Lombardia. Amante in particolare di gothic/dark e progressive rock. Ha lasciato il cuore nei Marillion epoca Fish. Contatto diretto: