Pur detestando un certo tipo di ope3razioni commerciali non possiamo non darvi atto dell’uscita di questo duetto postumo tra Michael Jackson e Justin Bieber. Si tratta quasi di un progetto archeologico di storia della musica e quindi proviamo a valutarlo anche se è chiaro che tra lo zero assoluto (come valore) di Justin Bieber e la stella di MJ non c’è paragone.
La storia è questa: poco prima che scomparisse prematuramente il re del pop si era parlato di un suo duetto col giocane emergente Bieber. Michael aveva registrato questo Slave 2 the Rhythm che ora è stato incrociato con la voce del ragazzino canadese. Il risultato è molto controverso: giudicate voi.
Curiosità: il titolo riecheggia un vecchio indimenticabile successo di Grace Jones, ve lo ricordate? Slave to the Rhythm.
Ecco anteprima audio e testo.
Audio video Slave 2 the Rhythm | Michael Jackson e Justin Bieber
Testo Slave 2 the Rhythm | Michael Jackson e Justin Bieber
She dances in the sheets at night
She dances to his needs
She dances until he feels just right
Until he falls asleep
She dances at the break of dawn
And quickly cooks his food
She can’t be late, can’t take too long
The kids must get to school
She’s a slave 2 the rhythm
She’s a slave 2 the rhythm of
A rhythm of love, a rhythm of love
She’s a slave 2 the rhythm
She’s a slave 2 the rhythm of
She’s a slave 2 the rhythm
A slave 2 the rhythm of
A rhythm of love, a rhythm of love
She dances for the man at work
Who works her all the time
She can’t be rude as she says so
I must be home tonight
She dances to the kitchen stove
Dinner is served by nine
She sets his food an hour late
She must be out of her mind…
She’s a slave 2 the rhythm…
She works so hard, just to make her way
For a man who just don’t appreciate
And don’t know it takes
And was all in vain.
Still she could not stop,
Couldn’t break his chains
She danced the night
That they fell out
She swore she’d dance no more
But then she did, she did not quit
And she ran out the door
She danced through the night
In fear of her life
She danced to a beat of her own
She let out a cry and
Swallowed her pride
She knew she was needed
Back home, home
She’s a slave 2 the rhythm…